Saturday, April 6, 2019

Blog Post #18

-This is a link to an amazing youtube video on comedy horror movies and how they are made. In the video it is stated how a comedy horror movie is difficult because they get completely different reactions out of the audience. For example a horror movies scares people and makes them scream while a comedy makes people laugh. Both genres are the most impactful out of all the genres. A horror comedy is a horror basis with comedic characters.

-When I first decided I wanted to film a horror comedy, I did not really know what I was getting myself into or how to really create a film including those genres. I did so much research but this youtube video helped me the most and pointed me into the right direction.

Blog Post #17

The problems I faced while filming this film opening

I faced a lot of problems while filming this film opening. My original idea did not work out because there was too much to fit into the two minutes and I could not cut parts out because then the film would not make sense. My first idea for this film was a comedy movie but by the second week I changed the genre to horror. Later on I combined both genres to challenge myself and also create something I am interested in because I love comedy horror movies. During the filming of this project I realized how hard it is to actually create a film opening, it is more than just putting random shots together and calling it a day, it takes time and effort. I had a dilemma in what type of background music to use because I have two genres so I don't know which would fit better.